September 2017 - Engines & Parts Wanted

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Alfa DeLaval 1-1/2 hp vacuum pump engine parts wanted; Rich Hanna nnn-nnn-nnnn (Hayden ID)

Evaporator/carb for Wade drag saw motor wanted in good condition please. I have one not so good. If you don’t have one where might I find one? Repairing dragsaw for Twin Rivers Old Iron Festival in South Dakota. Information appreciated; Myron Sonne nnn-nnn-nnnn (Letcher SD)

Fairbanks Morse 1902 8 hp standard horizontal (type "N") parts wanted. I have an early 8 hp hoisting engine that I am trying to put together. I am looking for an early crankshaft without the sling ring that is not drilled for a rod oiler. I still need a few other parts as well. Any parts leads appreciated; Mr. Kim Kestler nnn-nnn-nnnn (Reno NV)

Fairbanks Morse 1907 25 hp standard horizontal (type "N") hoisting engine parts wanted. I am looking for an exhaust valve box with guide and valve, governor weights and mount brackets, hit & miss latch out arm, Gas saver and brackets. any leads appreciated; Mr. Kim Kestler nnn-nnn-nnnn (Reno NV)

Fairbanks Morse 25 hp YH Style B engine parts or parts engine wanted, also looking to contact others with style B engines needing parts; Nathan Kehler nnn-nnn-nnnn or (Newgate BC)

Foos Jr 8 hp gov. weight, flywheels and maybe crankshaft + mixer wanted. Have a set of 6 hp? flywheels, can trade; Nathan Kehler nnn-nnn-nnnn or (Newgate BC)

Goold shapley and Muir engine, 3-1/2 hp, needs most of the small parts, may consider a parts or rough project engine. Also let me know if you need parts as I will be making some for these engines; Nathan Kehler nnn-nnn-nnnn or (Newgate BC)

Ideal 1-1/2 hp vertical early style with round hopper needs hopper bolt on cover and inner lid and brass nameplate. Also complete or partial engine, any leads appreciated; Tim S. nnn-nnn-nnnn or (Phoenix AZ)

Looking for a good bolt up and run or good rebuildable igniter and the friction magneto / auto sparker for a Galloway 5 hp round rod. Thanks in advance; Paul Ellzey nnn-nnn-nnnn (Athens TX)

Root and Vandervoort 2 hp parts rocker arm and governor lockout wanted; Rich Hanna nnn-nnn-nnnn (Hayden ID)

Samson Gas engine late style parts wanted. I have a late style Samson gasoline hoisting engine that I need ignition parts and the intake manifold, and mixer for. I would also like to find a late style brass nameplate for it as well. any leads appreciated; Mr. Kim Kestler nnn-nnn-nnnn (Reno NV)